Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Plan!!!

So, its been 5 weeks since I had Gideon.  I gained almost 40 pounds while I was pregnant this time!! I have never gained so much in my life! And he wasnt even 7 lbs!!  Blah!!  Since I have had him, I have only lost 13 pounds.  So, I have decided that I need to have a plan.  And I thought if I blogged about it, then I would be held accountable, and that I would have to keep up with it.  After I had my third child, I waited about 7 months and then I started to do those Insanity workouts... and let me tell you, those really are crazy!!  I was also going to the gym and I lost over 20 pounds!! But I also wasnt nursing my baby by then.  So, since I am still nursing, I cant find anything that doesnt include a major diet of cutting calories.  And I am not in shape to be doing those Insanity workouts yet.  Anyways, I was watching Studio 5 on ksl in the morning (you can tell I'm getting old.... watching those kind of shows haha) And they have this 30 day workout plan.  It includes a diet, but I thought I would just eat better since I am nursing, maybe cut out some carbs and add more vegetables.  Anyways, the workout is only 5 minutes and then you are supposed to repeat it 3-6 times.  So what I have been doing is I get up and do the workout twice, and then while my kids nap, I do it 2 or 3 more times in the afternoon!!  They just have the videos on their website.  Its easy, and even better, its FREE!!!!!  So, they are already starting week 2 online, but I jumped on the bandwagon late and am still doing week ones workout.  But, its only thursday, and I have lost another 2 pounds.... hopefully I can keep it off.  But I am so excited.  I have a hard time with weight gain, and I feel so good when I work out.  So, heres to hoping I can keep this up for 30 days, and at least lose like 10 pounds.  That would be awesome!!!!!  If anyone wants to join in on the fun, the website is  click on the health tab and go to the 30 day swimsuit plan!  Here's to getting skinny!!!!!  :) 


  1. Yeah girl!!! You go! I totally am gonna log onto ksl and check it out, blasted baby weight! (i totally watch studio 5 so dont think your an old granny hehe) The second one has been lots harder for me, my dang body is not bouncing back like the first. Keep it up girl!!

  2. Losing weight is so hard! I've only lost some, the last 10 lbs are the hardest! Hope you are doing well. Love ya!
