Monday, August 13, 2012

Gideon update

Hope this video works.....

This video seriously cracks me up! You would think that since he is so chubby he would like to eat food, but no.  I took him to the pediatrician last friday and the doc said to wait another month, and then try food again.  Hopefully he catches on soon, because I can tell my milk doesnt fill him up anymore.  He is nursing longer, but not going as long between feedings.  I feel like I feed him all day long!  Its made it hard to run errands and do anything.  I feel bad when the girls ask if we can do something and I have to say No, because Gideon wants to eat soon, or No, because Gideon is fussy.  Oh well.  The doctor also said that he is thinning out.  He height went up just a bit on the charts, and his weight came down.  So thats good.  

 I really think I have the cutest little boy on the planet, but maybe I am bias :)  We are having so much fun watching him grow.  People keep asking me if he is my last baby, and I honestly think I am done.  Four kids is A LOT!!  But then I get sad thinking that I'm doing all the fun baby stuff for the last time.  Its weird.  But I guess I am excited to just have all these 4 kids growing up together.  It will be fun and crazy in a few years!  I'm excited!!

Last week, one of my best friends came to visit.  She is living in Australia and hopefully will be back in the states soon.  She had a baby about 7 weeks after Gideon was born.  So, we put them together to compare... LOL  Her daughter is much skinnier and a lot taller than our short chubby Gideon!  It was fun to see them together.  Maybe he will grow and these 2 can get married one day  :)

Not sure why he was crying so much..... probably embarrassed about his height... or lack of height...
Cant wait to see you again Lisa and baby Ella!!