Monday, August 6, 2012

Lucky #7

Yesterday Gabriel and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary!  We weren't really able to go out, mostly because Gabe has hurt his back at work, and has really been taking it easy.  He can barely sit down in the car to drive anywhere and hes not sleeping well.  Poor guy.  Hopefully on wednesday when he goes to the doc, they can help him!  But I am so grateful for him and for all that he does for me and the kids!  He is the best husband I ever could have hoped for.  After all these years, he still knows how to make me smile and laugh and when he is gone for more than his usual work day, I miss him so much!  I still get butterflies when I see him, and I love him so much! Thanks for the last 7 years babe, well, actually more like 10 years since we met and started dating :) 
I Love You!

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