Monday, August 6, 2012

4 months

Time is really flying by these days! Gideon is already 4 months old and school is going to start again in like 4 weeks!! AHH!!  I cant believe it!  But this summer has really been a fun one!  Our sweet little boy is getting so Big!  I take him to the doc on friday for his shots and hopefully he has been growing taller, not fatter :)  I think I am going to start him on rice cereal this week.  Everytime I nurse him, he wants to eat again like only 45 minutes later.  He needs real food to fill him up, I think.  He stares at our food when we are eating in front of him too.  Its funny and so adorable.  He is the happiest baby I have ever seen, and his smile melts my heart!  Love you Gideon!

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