Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I have been so emotional lately... what is my deal?  I dont know, I think there are lots of stresses that I keep putting off, and now they are piling up and I cant get them under control.  That, and also the fact that my kids are growing up so fast! I just want to bottle them up now at this innocent age and never let them go.  Seriously, this past weekend, Gabe and I went out to a movie, and we left the kids with my parents for a few hours.  Gideon already hadnt nursed most the day, so I was expecting to come back from the movie to him screaming, but no.  He was seriously fine!  Crawling around, eating some cheerios and cookies!  He just smiled at me when I came in.  I thought that this is what I wanted, for him to not be so needy and dependent on me, but I almost cried!  And then, this same weekend, my little Alexandra had her 5th bday!!  That means she will be going to Kindergarten next year!  AHHH!!  I dont know what to do with my self!  Andi's birthday is in a few weeks as well, she will be 7, which means only one more year until she can be baptized, if thats what she chooses.  Andi is halfway to being a teenager!! ugh, where did all my time go with my babies?  Gabe asked me the other day what was wrong, and I seriously just broke down about it all!!  I am such a baby!  I wish I could go back to when Andi was born and just sit and enjoy every moment with her!  Gideon started officially crawling on christmas and on new years day he popped out a little tooth!  He is almost 9 months, and I feel like he should only be a few weeks old!  Josilyn is almost completely potty trained.  She will be 3 this year!!  I guess this is what being a parent is all about.  Just helping your kids go through life.  You cant make choices for them, only hope that you are raising them to do the right thing.  You cant keep them forever, so you have to enjoy them while they are young!!