Monday, June 4, 2012

2 months!

Gideon is now 2 months old!!  I dont think I can even express how much I love him!  He is starting to smile and he loves to observe everything going on around him.  He is also a very good eater! As you can see, he is quite the chunk :)  I am taking him to the doctor next week for his official 2 month visit and shots-but when I weighed him today he was 13 lbs!! HOLY SMOKES! Thats a big boy!!  He also seems a bit longer than the girls were at this age, hopefully he will be tall!!  He is also a much better sleeper than the girls!! He went to bed at 10 last night, and slept until 5:45!!!  He usually goes about 5 or 6 hours at night, but maybe now he will sleep all night ...... hopefully!


  1. What a cutie!!! Baby Ray has that monkey onsie!

  2. I will be visiting at the end of July! yay!! Can't wait to hold the little chunk. I love him so much already.
