Wednesday, April 18, 2012

2 weeks old

Today our little boy is 2 weeks old!! I can't believe its already been so long!!!  But at the same time I dont remember what it was like without him!!
So far, he has been my best baby.  He hardly ever cries, and he gets up to eat every 3 hours, day or night.  I wish he would sleep a little more at night, but I dont mind getting up with him.  He is so cute and he really likes to cuddle.  He has been awake a bit more in the day, which is nice.  Then the girls get to play with him, and its so fun to watch him look around and try to figure out things.

There are so many things that I have forgotten about when it comes to new babies!  You would think that by baby #4 I would remember everything and be a pro! But I am definately NOT!  Everytime I have a baby, its like starting over!  I have forgotten about how little they are, and how much they sleep!  I also forgot about all the cute noises they make, my favorite is when he is nursing!  He is such a loud eater!  I am so glad to have this little guy around.  I wish that my kids never grew up! This newborn stage may be my favorite.... other than getting pooped and peed on! HAHA

Josilyn LOVES her baby brother now, took her a few days, but I think they will be good friends growing up!! 

I just LOVE being a mom!!! I never thought that I would really be blessed with these 4 beautiful kids, but I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to raise them and be there for them as they grow up.   I worry every day about wheather or not I can really do this!  Thankfully, I also have a WONDERFUL husband who helps out and great neighbors to help as well!!  Thanks to everyone who has been there these last 2 weeks!  

1 comment:

  1. 2 weeks already?!! Wow...that has gone fast. He is adorable!! I'm so glad he is a good baby for you and I'm sure it is nice to have three older helpers. Hope you're feeling good!
